Engineering Student Guide is Here!
"Wait, are good grades enough?" is a guide that honestly and openly talks about the life of an engineering student, Mina Dezyanian. It gives guidance on how to start paying attention to the skills that aren’t taught in the classroom throughout university/college for students with a busy schedule. After reading this guide, you will not only graduate university with a degree but also as a stronger and more confident person. You’ll be ready to face the real world with your character and mindset while feeling empowered.
Real-life experience and advice
you can use in your career!
Mina Dezyanian
There's value in each one of our experiences.
"There's nothing more effective than learning from someone else's real life experience. I work in construction development in Toronto, Canada. After I graduated at the University of Toronto from civil engineering in 2014, I created the online community of women in engineering called "IronRingGirls". I quickly realized school didn't teach me enough about the real professional world, so I started sharing my experience online. Once I saw how effecting that was, I show cased other women's experience as well. ​
I truly believe in the power of communities and have a deep passion of helping women in their careers.